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Working With Astrology – MODULE 2


MODULE 2 – SYNTHESIS of the HOROSCOPE: Astrology in the Helping Profession: Counseling and Analytic Practice

Sourcing complexes, getting to core issues, gifts, talents and the psychological use of astrology in working with clients. Depth client-work.

  • This module is about people, real clients, in which we analyze complexes (core issues that constellate habits, patterns and blocks) as well as gifts, talents and areas of expertise.
  • This module will focus on the practice of working with real people’s charts. For the client one of the most significant things we can do is bring in a bigger perspective, a broader and deeper awareness, and how to ‘think differently’ in accord with their charts.
  • Working with what we have learned to date, future trends, transit themes and timing are introduced

Class 1 – Case Study of Neptune Rising: overcoming and transforming a difficult life

Class 2 – Ram Das: Fierce Grace under fire

Class 3 – Working with the tools we have been studying

Class 4 – A complex woman with a creative and complex filled chart

Class 5 – Standing ovation Artemis: depth study including family dynamics and inherited traits

Class 6 – Encore Artemis – deeper and deeper into the core

Class 7 – The dark side of the soul: The Irruption of a Global Psychosis

The case study presented in Class 7 was given a couple of days after the opening of The Dark Knight Rises, the Bat Man film where James Holmes opened fire on a live audience, killing many and wounding many. Aristotle taught that theatre was a katharsis, where the Greeks went to the Theatre Dionysos in Athens to secondarily experience 1. Tragedy, 2. Comedy 3. Satyr Play. This is also Hitchcock’s philosophy. However this event really affected many, and not only in the USA. . . the archetypal play-put of the astrology is perfect. And, yeshis is a dark soul to look at, but to be a good “doctor” we must study pathology.

For further information on the full curriculum for each class, please email:


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