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PLUTO: Guardian of the Soul

PLUTO: Guardian of the Soul

For the “Theft” of Persephone Hades/Pluto was not a bad god.  However, after the fall of Olympos – Zeus/Jupiter’s mountain domain – it came to drawing straws for the rulership over the primary domains of our known world . . . between Jupiter, Neptune and...
Eros and Aphrodite : Love and Creation

Eros and Aphrodite : Love and Creation

An edited excerpt from Venus and Jupiter: Bridging the Ideal and the Real (CPA Press, 1997). This article shows the many aspects of Eros and inspiration in life, love and creativity. First published in Apollon, April 1999. In the Theogony, dating from the 6th century...

Sun and Moon

The following article is an exerpt from Erin Sullivan’s book Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics. While focusing on the astrology of family relationships, it is an excellent exploration of the Sun and Moon in a much wider context and thoroughly recommended...

Icarus and Persephone

Adolescence: A Psyche in Progress by Erin Sullivan First Published in Issue 5, April 2000 “Apollon” The Journal of Psychological Astrology Adolescence marks the first step toward conscious individuation. Out of the tantrums of the two-and-a-half year old, and the...

Thinking Magically and Critically

Contemporary Astrology and Divination “The seeds of future events are carried within ourselves. They are implicit in us and unfold according to the laws of their own nature.” — Lawrence Durrell, The Alexandria Quartet: Cleo Today more and more people...