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PLUTO: Guardian of the Soul

PLUTO: Guardian of the Soul

For the “Theft” of Persephone Hades/Pluto was not a bad god.  However, after the fall of Olympos – Zeus/Jupiter’s mountain domain – it came to drawing straws for the rulership over the primary domains of our known world . . . between Jupiter, Neptune and...
The Elusive Neptune

The Elusive Neptune

Neptune in Pisces 2011 : Into the Mystic Neptune was first observed by Galileo December 28, 1612, when it was zodiacally exactly conjunct Jupiter at 26° Virgo . . . however, Galileo thought it was a fixed star.  He did not know that Neptune was, in fact,...
Eros and Aphrodite : Love and Creation

Eros and Aphrodite : Love and Creation

An edited excerpt from Venus and Jupiter: Bridging the Ideal and the Real (CPA Press, 1997). This article shows the many aspects of Eros and inspiration in life, love and creativity. First published in Apollon, April 1999. In the Theogony, dating from the 6th century...

Sun and Moon

The following article is an exerpt from Erin Sullivan’s book Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics. While focusing on the astrology of family relationships, it is an excellent exploration of the Sun and Moon in a much wider context and thoroughly recommended...